
Kicking off the LEAP Digital Health Hub

Feb 23, 2024 | News

LEAP Digital Health Hub kicked off in January with an in-person meeting for institutional partners at One Cathedral Square, the Hub’s home in Bristol. The University of Bristol team welcomed Hub colleagues from University of Bath, Cardiff University, UWE Bristol, University of Exeter and Health Data Research UK (HDR UK).

Hub Director, Professor Ian Craddock, facilitated the activities starting with a playful icebreaker. Using a design prompt from the fantastic Protobot, attendees worked in teams to build ‘a toaster for a dog’ using Lego™. After showcasing their creations, the groups moved on to the first session of the meeting.

Four of the LEAP team are seated around a white table and building with Lego bricks. Behind them is a screen with the text 'Design a toaster for a dog' on it. Behind the group another LEAP team member is stood next to another white table with Lego bricks on it.

The activity focused on the Skills and Knowledge programme. The task involved answering questions based on a hypothetical ‘LEAP Learner’. Each group discussed study patterns, course design and the added value of signing up through the Hub. They considered the type of courses that learners might want to access for career progression or to boost organisational performance.

Members of the LEAP team are working across 4 tables. The closest table has 4 people seated, there is a large sheet of paper with handwriting on it on the table. The group are talking and one person is pointing at the paper. Behind other groups are also talking. Towards the back , another LEAP team member is walking between the tables.

The second session moved the conversation to the Fellowships programme. Again, using hypothetical ‘personas’ as a jumping off point for investigating the questions. Discussion points included motivations, the funding or resource that potential fellows might look for, duration, and support needed for success. The groups also considered how a fellowship might fit an applicant’s existing job role and employer.

A close up of a table with 3 LEAP team members seated. There is a large sheet of paper with handwritten text in the centre of the table. One of the group is pointing at a line of text on the paper. In the background, another group of 3 LEAP team members are sat around a table having a discussion.

Following a quick coffee break, we moved onto the third and final session of the afternoon. This time, the group applied the ‘persona’ activity to the Research programme. Case studies combined earlier used ‘personas’ to work on hypothetical collaborative projects. The task required each group to produce a potential outline proposal that the Hub could fund. Questions focused on resources needed, duration, outcomes, impact and the benefits for partner organisations.

Close up of a 3 LEAP colleagues sat around a white table. In the centre of the table, there is a large sheet of paper with hand written text on it. LEAP Director Ian Craddock is stood at the head of the table looking down at the paper.

It was a valuable afternoon and a great opportunity for the partner team to get to know each other better. Meeting in person allowed space for in-depth discussions about details of the key programmes. The group also had a chance to reflect on opportunities and future challenges for LEAP.