Bristol Medical School

We’ve grouped the short courses from Bristol Medical School into five themes. Use the links at the bottom of this page to navigate to the other Bristol Medical School short course themes or return to our main training page.

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Regulation and approvals

Introduction to Economic Evaluation

University of Bristol
Start date: 9 July 2025
Duration: 3 days
Delivery: Online
Cost: £660

More information

About the course

Economic evaluation is used to compare health and social care interventions and treatment options in terms of both costs and outcomes in order to assess value for money and support decision makers. This course aims to provide an introduction to the theory and practice of assessing value for money in health and care.

It is intended for public health, NHS and social care professionals and researchers who are, or will be, involved in research projects that evaluate the cost-effectiveness of health and care.

The course will also be useful for professionals who would like a better understanding of the quality of published economic evaluations and how they feed into local and national decision making.

What this course will cover

  • Why we need economic evaluation of health care interventions
  • Key concepts in using health and care resources efficiently
  • Identification, measurement and valuation of resource use to create costs
  • Identification, measurement and valuation of health benefits and benefits beyond health 
  • Presenting and interpreting the results of economic evaluations
  • Applying decision analysis and Markov models in economic evaluation
  • Critically appraising the quality of published economic evaluations
  • Translating economic evidence into health policy

How to join

Sign up via the University of Bristol Medical School website

Further Bristol Medical School short course themes